<![CDATA[Health & Safety Training Courses]]> https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/category/health-and-safety-training-courses <p class="u-lead">Our company is in the fortunate position to call on a number of specialists who can provide training tailored to the organisation.</p> <p>We use your internal documentation, and on occasion your own building as our training room. Courses can be certificated by professional bodies as required.</p> en Fri, 07 Mar 2025 02:27:37 +0000 Fire Safety Training Course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/new-fire-safety-training-course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/new-fire-safety-training-course <h2>Fire Safety Training for Managers and Employees</h2> <p>What No Safety offers two half day (3-hour) courses on Fire Awareness, one for managers and one for employees.</p> <h3>Fire Safety for Managers</h3> <p>This course is aimed at managers in any organisation who have authority and responsibility for dealing with safety matters and may be involved in ensuring compliance and business continuity.</p> <p><strong>The course covers:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Fire Safety Legislation and compliance</li> <li>Fire safety strategy and policy</li> <li>Risk management and <a title="Risk assessment" href="risk-assessments-and-documentation">risk assessment</a></li> <li>Fire safety and business continuity</li> </ul> <h3>Fire Safety Awareness</h3> <p>This course is aimed at all employees and covers:</p> <ul> <li>Fire development and behaviour</li> <li>Fire escape routes and active and passive fire protection measures. [Fire alarms, emergency lights, signs and notices.]</li> <li>Fire doors</li> <li>Basic fire risk assessment</li> <li>Firefighting equipment</li> <li>Emergency evacuation procedures and fire drills</li> <li>Human behaviour in fires</li> </ul> <p><strong>It is recommended and anticipated that these courses are held on your premises. Enabling us to tailor for you and most importantly your business needs.</strong></p> <p>Both training courses will be facilitated by David Dunford, NEBOSH, BA(Hons) Education & Training, DMS, IFPO and Registered MIFPD Fire Risk Assessor. David worked in the fire service for 34 years and was actively involved in all aspects of risk management; advising on technical fire safety matters, enforcement, education and training. He continues to work in the field of operational incident command, providing training to the fire and ambulance service and is an active member of Serve On, a charity that provides disaster response teams worldwide.</p> <p>These courses can be provided for up to a maximum of 15 persons. POA.</p> <p><strong>To find out more please email <a title="Email us" href="mailto:abarrett@whatnosafety.co.uk">abarrett@whatnosafety.co.uk</a> or call <a title="Call us" href="tel:+441722326390">01722 326 390</a> to speak with our Training Manager Alan.</strong></p> Tue, 30 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Fire Warden Training Course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/fire-warden-training-course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/fire-warden-training-course <p class="u-lead">Fire Wardens are designated the responsibility of executing the plan in an emergency situation.</p> <p class="u-lead">This course covers:</p> <ul> <li>Fire development and behaviour</li> <li>Fire escape routes and active and passive fire protection measures. [Fire alarms, emergency lights, signs and notices]</li> <li>Fire doors</li> <li>Fire fighting equipment</li> <li>Emergency evacuation procedures and fire drills</li> <li>Human behaviour in fires.</li> <li>Fire Risk Assessment</li> <li>Managing fire safety evacuations</li> <li>Liaising with the fire brigade</li> </ul> <p>This training will be facilitated by Simon Jubb, Grad IOSH, accredited IOSH and military instructor, former Royal Naval Engineer, fire and emergency incident commander and risk assessor.</p> <blockquote> <p>The training was very well received and attendees commented that the 2.5 hours had flown by. Everyone was very complimentary about the training saying how useful they found it.</p> <p class="u-cite">Jenni Freeth, Executive Manager, Girlguiding South West England</p> </blockquote> <p>Dates, Times and Venue will be confirmed at the time of enquiry.</p> <p><strong><span style="font-size: calc(0.15vw + 0.97rem);">Cost: £80pp plus VAT </span></strong><span style="font-size: calc(0.15vw + 0.97rem);">(Payment required in advance of attendance).</span></p> <p>Places are limited to 15 to provide maximum learning.</p> <p><strong>To register your interest and find out more information please email <a title="Email us" href="mailto:abarrett@whatnosafety.co.uk">abarrett@whatnosafety.co.uk</a> or call <a title="Call us" href="tel:+441722326390">01722 326 390</a>.</strong></p> <p>Please note both theory and practical training will be given during the course, attendees are required to wear suitable footwear and clothing.</p> <p>This course can be held in the Company's own premises by arrangement. Cost on application, call <a title="Call us" href="tel:+441722326390">01722 326 390</a> to find out more.</p> Tue, 30 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Emergency First Aid at Work Training Course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/emergency-first-aid-at-work-training-course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/emergency-first-aid-at-work-training-course <p class="u-lead">Certification lasts for 3 years and there is a multiple-choice exam at the end as well as continuous assessment during the course.</p> <p><strong>Plus, this training now includes AED (defibrillator training).</strong></p> <blockquote> <p>"First Aid courses can seem tedious and hard to keep concentration, this clearly wasn’t the case with this one! Chris was great in making attendees feel relaxed, getting the information across in a clear and concise manner but with added humour which made the information sink in a lot more".</p> </blockquote> <p><strong>The course covers:</strong></p> <ul> <li>First Aid Priorities</li> <li>Managing Incidents</li> <li>Basic Life Support</li> <li>Examination of a Casualty</li> <li>Unconsciousness</li> <li>Control of Bleeding</li> <li>Burns and Scalds</li> <li>Regulations</li> <li>First Aid Kits</li> <li>Recording and Reporting</li> </ul> <p>Dates, Times and Venue will be confirmed at the time of enquiry.</p> <p><strong><span style="font-size: calc(0.15vw + 0.97rem);">Price: £96pp (plus VAT)</span></strong></p> <p>This course will be facilitated by Stuart Barrett who has been a qualified teacher for more than 25 years with experience in various managerial roles, he is now a qualified trainer in the disciplines of Mental Health in the Workplace, Safeguarding, First Aid, Forest School and Bushcraft.</p> <p>Delegates must provide their own lunch, however refreshments will be provided.</p> <p>Places are limited to 12 to provide maximum learning.</p> <p><strong>To register your interest and find out more information please email <a title="Email us" href="mailto:abarrett@whatnosafety.co.uk">abarrett@whatnosafety.co.uk</a> or call <a title="Call us" href="tel:+441722326390">01722 326 390</a>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Please be aware that Photographic Proof of Identity will be required on the day, participation is not possible without the sight of a Passport or photographic Driving Licence.</strong></p> <p>This course can be held in the Company's own premises by arrangement. Cost on application, call <a title="Call us" href="tel:+441722326390">01722 326 390</a> to find out more.</p> Tue, 30 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Manual Handling Training Course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/manual-handling-training-course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/manual-handling-training-course <p class="u-lead">The term Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) covers any injury, damage or disorder of the joints or other tissues in the upper or lower limbs or the back.</p> <p>Manual Handling training offers an introduction for employees who undertake basic manual handling in an office environment and covers the Manual Handling Operation Regulations 1992 and other relevant legislation. The interactive session will be tailored to the participants using actual examples from their workplace where manual handling takes place.</p> <p><strong>The training will be facilitated</strong> by David Dunford, NEBOSH, BA(Hons) Education & Training, DMS, IFPO and Registered MIFPO Fire Risk Assessor. The Church Hall, Lower Street, Harnham, SP2 8EY - Plenty of Free Parking available</p> <p>9.30am start with a 12.30pm finish (Tea & Coffee will be provided)</p> <p>Price £80pp plus VAT (Payment required in advance of attendance)</p> <p><strong>Places are limited to provide maximum learning. To reserve your place please email <a title="Email us" href="mailto:abarrett@whatnosafety.co.uk">abarrett@whatnosafety.co.uk</a> or call <a title="Call us" href="+441722326390">01722 326 390</a>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Date: Please Contact</strong></p> <p>This course can be held in the Company's own premises by arrangement. Cost on application, call 01722 326 390 to find out more.</p> <p><strong>Please note</strong>: <em>a specialist course for those requiring specific training relating to special needs arising from injury or disability and/ or team lifting can be developed to the client’s needs. This could be a half or full day course depending on need.</em></p> Tue, 30 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Mental Health in the Workplace Training Course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/mental-health-in-the-workplace-training-course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/mental-health-in-the-workplace-training-course <p class="u-lead">The mental health of your valuable workforce can impact the working environment.</p> <ol> <li>Women in full-time employment are nearly twice as likely to have a common mental health problem as full-time employed men (19.8% vs 10.9%).</li> <li>Evidence suggests that 12.7% of all sickness absence days in the UK can be attributed to mental health conditions.</li> <li>Better mental health support in the workplace can save UK businesses up to £8 billion per year.</li> </ol> <p>The above has been extracted from the Mental Health Statistics provided by the Mental Health Foundation.</p> <p>Mental Health in the Workplace is a two-day course, <strong>on successful completion participants will receive a CPD certified qualification</strong>, which is valid for three years.</p> <p><strong>The course will cover but not be limited to understanding:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Mental health and related health problems.</li> <li>Recognise the signs and symptoms of anxiety, phobias, depression, bipolar and schizophrenia.</li> <li>Legislation and your responsibilities in the workplace under mental health.</li> <li>How to promote a healthy workplace</li> <li>Why mental health is not discussed at work.</li> <li>How to recognise a problem and support an employee with mental health related problems</li> <li>The <strong>impact on the workplace</strong> of unidentified mental health <strong>problems</strong>.</li> <li>How to implement an action plan to promote the recovery of mental ill health</li> </ul> <p>At the end of each day, there will be an open response assessment.</p> <p><strong>Learning outcomes are mapped to meet the Mental Health in the Workplace Level 3 (VTQ) criterion.Including but not limited to:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Able to describe examples of mental health problems</li> <li>Understand social and cultural attitudes to mental illness</li> <li>Recognise how media is involved in mental ill health</li> <li>Define what is meant by the term stress and explain how it affects people</li> <li>Recognise other types of legislation that apply to Mental Health UK</li> <li>Understand The Management Standards Approach</li> </ul> <p>This training will be facilitated by Stuart Barrett. <strong>Stuart has been a qualified teacher for more than 25 years with experience in various managerial roles, he is now a qualified trainer in the disciplines of Mental Health in the Workplace, Safeguarding, First Aid, Forest School and Bushcraft.</strong></p> <p>Location: Salisbury venue to be confirmed</p> <p>Timings: 0930 to 1630 each day with a one-hour lunch break, to provide a minimum of 12 hours of tuition.</p> <p>Price: £192pp (plus VAT) </p> <p>While tea and coffee will be provided morning and afternoon each day, lunch is the responsibility of the delegate.</p> <p><strong>If you would like to find out more or wish to book a place please email abarrett@whatnosafety.co.uk or call 01722 326 390.</strong></p> <p><strong>Please be aware that Photographic Proof of Identity will be required on the day, participation is not possible without the sight of a Passport or photographic Driving Licence.</strong></p> Tue, 30 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Working at Height Training Course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/working-at-height-course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/working-at-height-course <p><strong>You are working at height if you:</strong></p> <ul> <li>work above ground/floor level</li> <li>could fall from an edge, through an opening or fragile surface or</li> <li>could fall from ground level into an opening in a floor or a hole in the ground</li> </ul> <p><strong>The learning outcomes for this course provide an understanding of:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Key health and safety legislation i.e. Working at Height Regulations 2005</li> <li>Roles and responsibilities (employers and employees) linked to the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015</li> <li>Hazards (safety and health)</li> <li>Risk assessment</li> <li>Safe working practices</li> <li>Selection of equipment</li> <li>Case Studies</li> </ul> Tue, 30 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Business Continuity Training Course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/business-continuity-training-course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/business-continuity-training-course <h2>Could your business survive major disruption?</h2> <p>How would your business deal with <strong>bad publicity</strong>, an <strong>economic downturn</strong> or even <strong>lawsuit</strong>? Okay so that might not happen BUT they can and do. Business Continuity planning is knowing what your Plan B is, who is responsible for implementing it and most importantly what you will do!</p> <p><strong>Disruption can take many forms</strong>: such as your IT system going down and taking your phones and internet with it. Now while this might only be for a few hours, how would you cope if this was extended into days? A major disruption could be your building or factory is damaged and not safe for a period of time – where would you go, how would you operate?</p> <p><strong>A disaster can happen to any business small or large and take many different forms</strong>. Planning how to deal with the disaster before it happens makes good business sense, enabling you to react as opposed to being reactive.</p> <p>The two part Business Continuity training has been developed to help ensure businesses are able to continue operating after a crisis.</p> <h2>Part One: Ensuring your business continues to operate during a crisis</h2> <ol> <li>What is business continuity</li> <li>Impact of foreseeable events on your business</li> <li>Advantages to your organisation</li> <li>How to develop a business continuity plan (including recovery plans)</li> <li>What is and the benefits of a risk register</li> <li>Situational awareness</li> </ol> <h2>Part Two: Managing a business continuity event, the practical how</h2> <ol> <li>Situational awareness</li> <li>Risk management</li> <li>Risk appetite</li> <li>Decision making</li> <li>Leadership and objective setting</li> <li>Information decision and recording</li> </ol> <p>Please contact Alastair Barrett to find out more about this training by emailing <a title="Email us" href="mailto:abarrett@whatnosafety.co.uk">abarrett@whatnosafety.co.uk</a> or telephoning <a title="Call us" href="tel:+441722326390">01722 326 390</a>.</p> Tue, 30 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Healthcare: Working Safely Training Course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/healthcare-working-safely-training-course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/healthcare-working-safely-training-course <h2>How can this one day course help you?</h2> <ul> <li>Meet the health & safety standards required in healthcare.</li> <li>Address key workplace issues: stress, violence, MRSA, infection prevention, manual handling</li> <li>Safeguard your budget from health and safety related losses</li> </ul> <h2>The course consists of four modules:</h2> <h3>Introduction</h3> <p>Establishes the delegate’s level of knowledge and awareness about working safely in your organisation, providing an understanding of the reasons for working safely and explaining the delegate’s health and safety role in your organisation.</p> <h3>Improving Safety Performance</h3> <p>Introduces the basic principles of corporate and clinical governance, providing an overview of the delegate’s roles in relation to safety management systems and explaining their legal duties and the importance of preventing and reporting accidents, incidents and work-related ill health.</p> <h3>Hazard and Risk</h3> <p>Defining the terms hazard and risk, providing delegates with a basic knowledge of <a title="Risk Assessment" href="risk-assessments-and-documentation">risk assessment</a> and your organisation’s approach, discussing the recognition of possible hazards and how to interpret risk assessments.</p> <h3>Workplace Safety</h3> <p>Highlighting areas of concern that affect workplace safety, such as violence and aggression, stress and manual handling; demonstrating types of hazardous substances that exist and how they can affect your staff, outlining the principles of infection prevention and control, and the threat of fire.</p> <h3>Certification</h3> <p>An IOSH Healthcare: Working Safely certificate is awarded to all those who attend the course and successfully complete the written assignments.</p> Tue, 30 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Violence at Work / Personal Safety Training Course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/violence-at-work-personal-safety-training-course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/violence-at-work-personal-safety-training-course <h2>The course is tailored to cover client’s needs.</h2> <p>Please ring <a title="Call us" href="tel:+441722326390">01722 326 390</a> or email <a title="Email us" href="mailto:abarrett@whatnosafety.co.uk">abarrett@whatnosafety.co.uk</a> for details about booking or for more information about our courses.</p> Tue, 30 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Care Quality Commission Training Course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/care-quality-commission-training-course https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/training/care-quality-commission-training-course <p class="u-lead">At What No Safety we recognised the need to provide training around the CQC standards that help you achieve the <strong>outstanding</strong> that you deserve!</p> <p>Developed with local Salisbury surgeries our half day course has been created to assist you in meeting CQC requirements and to understand the difference it can make to your daily operation.</p> <blockquote> <p>The training delivered by What No Safety provided an excellent introduction for our staff to help in meeting CQC standards. Hugely beneficial to the practice as it covered a wide range of topics in just one session – the staff now recognise how this would improve their work environment and safety of our patients.</p> <p class="u-cite">Wendy Shelley, Practice Manager at Millstream Medical Centre, Salisbury</p> </blockquote> <p><strong>The course covers</strong></p> <ul> <li>Health and Safety legal requirements</li> <li>Patient safety</li> <li>Risk assessment</li> <li>Infection control</li> <li>Manual handling</li> </ul> <p>This course can be delivered in-house and if you would like to find out more please email <a title="Email us" href="mailto:abarrett@whatnosafety.co.uk">abarrett@whatnosafety.co.uk</a> or all <a title="Call us" href="tel:+441722326390">01722 326 390</a>.</p> <p>What No Safety also offer a retainer service for that continued support.</p> Tue, 30 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000