<![CDATA[Testimonials]]> https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/category/testimonials en Mon, 31 Mar 2025 08:45:25 +0000 Girlguiding - South West England https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/blog/girlguiding-south-west-england https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/blog/girlguiding-south-west-england <blockquote> <p>The training was very well received and attendees commented that the 2.5 hours had flown by.  Everyone was very complimentary about the training saying how useful they found it.  Dave managed to include guidance for staff who are also leaders taking Guides to camp or Brownies on sleepovers/indoor holidays and that was much appreciated.</p> <p>One of the attendees has since used her learning at home. When her washer/drier starting billowing smoke out from the bottom, she instructed her partner to switch the power to the machine off and move it out of its space into the middle of the floor - while she rang 999.  The fire brigade responded quickly and the action they had taken was exactly right.  In addition, by the time the fire brigade arrived, they were both ready to evacuate if it became necessary with coat and shoes on.</p> <p class="u-cite">Jenni Freeth - Executive Manager</p> </blockquote> Fri, 05 Jan 2018 00:00:00 +0000 DCH - Housing Association https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/blog/dch-housing-association https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/blog/dch-housing-association <h2><span style="color: #f36b38;">Project Overview</span></h2> <p>DCH maintains and manages over 22,500 great places to live - and we’re investing in more all the time. Not only are we determined to provide homes you can afford to live in, but also homes you want to live in. We want to make sure you have a home to be proud of.</p> <p>And we know that you’re not just thinking about the roof over your head but equally the area and opportunities around you. Wherever we work we look to build communities as well as homes.</p> <p>We are a charitable organisation, but we do run a strong, commercially-minded business that re-invests as much as we can back into new homes and thriving communities.</p> <h2><span style="color: #f36b38;">Background</span></h2> <p>DCH covers a vast area across Devon and Cornwall and had the requirement for specialist training for scheme risk assessments for housing association staff and surveyors.</p> <p>The training needed to be pitched at the specific considerations that Housing Associations face and therefore needed a knowledgeable trainer who was able to adapt to the audience and their specific needs.</p> <p>The training needed to be in sufficient detail for the audience with targeted messaging and appreciation for role holder expertise. An understanding on how Housing Associations function was paramount in order for the training to be meaningful.</p> <h2><span style="color: #f36b38;">Challenges and Solutions</span></h2> <p>What No Safety Services have proven delivery training skills in the sector based on real life experience. Due to the geographic spread of the personnel in the DCH organisation, the training was clustered into the locations of Plymouth, Truro and Exeter and was delivered over an intense 2 week period to three separate learning cohorts.</p> <p>Value was determined by the trainer expertise, as there needed to be empathy with the residents as well as understanding of the situations that the staff face on a daily basis.</p> <p>Alastair was able to relate to the staff from his experience and tailor the learning environment in line with the questions for maximum effectiveness of the training. The audience was varied in their needs so the course was flexed depending on the questions raised and mix of the individuals present.</p> <p>Following the delivery of the workshops, What No Safety provided a list of the questions asked and detailed responses so that they could be relayed to the staff and kept as a reference source. </p> <blockquote> <p>Sector understanding and knowledge was paramount in the selection of our training provider. What No Safety Services fully understand DCH as a Housing Association and provide tailored training to meet our requirements.</p> <p>The workshops were delivered to adapt to the audience, a great mix of empathy and detail provided an excellent learning experience.</p> <p class="u-cite">Ashima Sawhney – Group Health & Safety Manager – DCH</p> </blockquote> Tue, 15 Mar 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Society of Antiquaries of London https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/blog/society-of-antiquaries-of-london https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/blog/society-of-antiquaries-of-london <h2><span style="color: #f36b38;">Project Overview</span></h2> <p>The Society of Antiquaries was founded in 1707 and today our 3,000 Fellows include many distinguished archaeologists and art and architectural historians holding positions of responsibility across the cultural heritage. As a registered charity (207237), the Society’s principal objectives are to foster public understanding of that heritage, to support research and communicate the results and to engage in the formulation of public policy on the care of our historic environment and cultural property.</p> <h2><span style="color: #f36b38;">Background</span></h2> <p>When the now General Secretary – John Lewis, undertook his position it became apparent their Health and Safety practices required updating. They required somebody external to the society to review their procedures, offer advice and improvements whilst provided a sensible, workable solution.</p> <p>Fire risk assessments where considered a priority, a basic level of health and safety policy documentation was in place and the Society recognised they needed assistance to ensure a safe environment for the high volume of people passing through their properties and protect their assets.</p> <p>The society has two main properties:</p> <p><strong>Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BE</strong></p> <p>In its Burlington House apartments, the Society holds a research library and museum collections. With members regularly visiting, parties of 100+ at events and its large library health and safety is a major consideration.</p> <p><strong>Kelmscott Manor, Kelmscott, Lechlade, Glos. GL7 3HJ</strong></p> <p>Kelmscott Manor is a historic estate situated in the Cotswold. The fascinating and important collections at Kelmscott Manor span more than 300 years and reflect the history, ideas and creative legacy of those who lived and worked here. Open to the public the property has over 20,000 visitors per year.</p> <h2><span style="color: #f36b38;">Challenges and Solutions</span></h2> <p>It was important to the society that they could find somebody to provide sensible, pragmatic assessment and recommendations whilst understand the way the society operates and the associated constraints.</p> <h2><span style="color: #f36b38;">Role</span></h2> <p>What no Safety matched the requirement and have since undertaken the following:</p> <ul> <li>Provide the society with pragmatic/realistic advice</li> <li>food hygiene preparation assessment for catering of events</li> <li>develop policies</li> <li>fire risk assessments</li> <li>first aid training</li> <li>fire training</li> </ul> <h2><span style="color: #f36b38;">Value Management</span></h2> <p>What no Safety has provided the Society with many recommendations to cost effectively manage potential issues including the following:</p> <ol> <li>The society has a number of rooms within the basement of the Royal Society of Chemistry (also Burlington house). When the Royal Society of Chemistry had an Asbestos assessment it became apparent that the floor tiles within the rooms contained a low level of Asbestos. What no Safety were contacted to further assess and advise on the best action to follow.</li> <li>Within Kelmscott Manor is a visitors shop. This is run by a member of staff that had a major operation. In order to facilitate their return to work What no Safety where asked to undertake an assessment of capabilities for the staff member and a further assessment on methods that could be employed to ease tasks such as moving stock and other lifting activities. What no Safety developed a full proposal which was adopted by the society. The member of staff is now back at work, facilitated by the improvements proposed.</li> <li>Kelmscott Manor – Members of the public where able to enter the property from the rear of the building however this required crossing an unsighted track that provided access for disabled visitors. What no Safety identified this as a significant risk. A proposal was put in place to install fencing that directed visitors away from the blind spot to a more convenient crossing point.</li> </ol> <h2><span style="color: #f36b38;">Recommendations</span></h2> <p>One of the most significant impacts What no Safety have had for the society is relating to the fire risk assessment. Off the back of the assessment the society where recommended to install a number of fire doors in strategic location to stop the transfer of both fire and smoke at Burlington House.</p> <p>Critically this provides a much safer facility for both the protection of visitors and antiquities in their possession.</p> <blockquote> <p>The service delivered by What No Safety has been excellent. They have provided the Society of Antiquaries with sensible and practical advice that is tailored to our environment.”</p> <p>We have received excellent value for money. Our management of Health and Safety is greatly improved.</p> <p>We are delighted with the work undertaken and the ongoing relationship we have with What no Safety.</p> <p class="u-cite">John Lewis – General Secretary - Society of Antiquaries of London</p> </blockquote> Fri, 10 Jul 2015 00:00:00 +0000 Keniston Housing Association https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/blog/keniston-housing-association https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/blog/keniston-housing-association <h2><span style="color: #f36b38;">Project Overview</span></h2> <p class="u-lead">Keniston is a small housing association with about 700 rented homes in London and the South East.</p> <p>They aim to provide an excellent service to residents in managing the tenancies and keeping the properties in good order. Keniston want the people who live in their properties to be very satisfied with the service they provide and they work hard to try and achieve this. Keniston want to use their resources to provide more homes for people who need them.</p> <h2><span style="color: #f36b38;">Background</span></h2> <p>Keniston Housing use external HSE inspectors to inspect the common areas of the general needs housing and sheltered needs housing within their portfolio. They wanted a ‘fresh pair of eyes’ to review the risk assessments already in place, who could act autonomously, manage their own site visits and had been recommended for excellent service.</p> <p>The incumbent had been in the role for several years and a new organisation was sought that could provide reliable and predictable service within the stated service timescale.</p> <p>What No Safety Services were recommended by peers within the Housing Association network as being a great service provider. Furthermore they had proven expertise of providing HSE assessment within common areas of properties such as flats, offices and serviced premises.</p> <h2><span style="color: #f36b38;">Challenges and Solutions</span></h2> <p>The ongoing framework of support is for a 3 year planned contract, starting February 2015 and included the combination of general HSE risk assessment and additionally fire risk assessment. The provision of support under one contract package provides convenience and cost efficiency for the client.</p> <p>What No Safety Services were selected based on the ability to provide all the required support, they had excellent peer group recommendation and could deliver the 100% inspection to the common areas identified within the stated 2 month timescale.</p> <p>They responded to queries with speed and understood the specific considerations relative to the environment. What no Safety Services always responded quickly and in completeness to any questions and were able to mobilise in order to start the project swiftly.</p> <p>With prior experience of working with caretakers within facilities, they were able to communicate effectively to arrange appointments in an efficient manner, understanding the sensitivity of entering community spaces.</p> <h3>Role</h3> <p>The project focuses on HSE and fire risk assessments as retained external HSE advisor. The reports were carried out on an agreed fee basis and any additional support and advice on an hourly fee basis.</p> <h3>Value Management</h3> <p>Value management was key in the combination of fire risk and general HSE assessments from one provider. Not only was this more effective, it minimised disruption for the caretakers and premises users as a single visit was required in order to generate the report.</p> <h2><span style="color: #f36b38;">Recommendations</span></h2> <p>Observations from the risk assessment visits were formatted into action sheets, where relevant staff were signposted to the detailed action specific to them. This made the process easy to manage and with the inclusion of photos that identified the specific area of concern, saved time in locating the issue. The full and complete risk assessments were generated in a collaborative manner, so that they were easy to discuss with all involved in the process.</p> <h2><span style="color: #f36b38;">Today</span></h2> <p>Keniston Housing were pleased to use What No safety Services as their external HSE inspectors, offering combined expertise on general health and safety as well as specific fire risk assessments. The clear and precise reporting was delivery in the demanded timeframe so that Keniston Housing Association could be reassured that the common areas of properties had been assessed with due diligence and improvement measures put in place where necessary.</p> <blockquote> <p>What No Safety Services provided full and complete risk assessments, backed up by prompt paperwork. They have worked well with our caretakers with their calm and sensitive approach.</p> <p>They provide a well-managed risk assessment process and came to us highly recommended by other housing associations including photographs of specific areas of concern in the risk assessment reports mean that areas can be targeted efficiently and quickly resolved.</p> <p class="u-cite">Tony Coward – Repairs Service Manager - Keniston Housing Association</p> </blockquote> Mon, 06 Jul 2015 00:00:00 +0000 Teachers' Housing Association https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/blog/teachers-housing-association https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/blog/teachers-housing-association <h2><span style="color: #f36b38;">Project Overview</span></h2> <p class="u-lead">Teachers’ Housing Association provides housing for rent to people in need, particularly those associated with education.</p> <p>The Association has properties in the London Boroughs of Bexley, Brent, Croydon, Haringey, Kingston-upon-Thames and Waltham Forest. The properties range in size from studio flats to four bedroom houses.</p> <p>People working in the field of education in any of these six boroughs are eligible to apply to rent our properties. In addition to our family housing we provide sheltered housing for over 300 retired people in Birmingham, Brighton, Christchurch, Croydon, Hull, Paignton and Stoke-on-Trent.</p> <h2><span style="color: #f36b38;">Background</span></h2> <p>What No Safety Services provide a comprehensive range of services. These include general Health and Safety risk audits on our housing schemes, fire safety risk assessments, and training of staff with a wide range of roles.</p> <p>The sheer variety of the estate can bring challenges. What No Safety Services recognise the diversity within the Teachers’ Housing Association housing stock. From sheltered housing to working family homes, including both purpose built and converted properties, WNS were able to provide consistent policy advice and training.</p> <p>Alongside the variance in property type is the distinct client groups within THA, including those with disabilities, the elderly and other vulnerable groups. What no Safety Service appreciates the varied requirements of each group as well as the obligations faced by the THA staff – making them the ideal organisation to deal with.</p> <h2><span style="color: #f36b38;">Challenges and Solutions</span></h2> <p>A safety consultancy should always challenge an organisation to do better, making sure that they are not just compliant but also benchmarking Teachers’ Housing Association against other leading providers so they can build in best practice from across the industry.</p> <p>Teachers’ Housing Association have particularly used the advice of What no Safety Services regarding Lone Worker safety training. What no Safety additionally provide assurance for the management board regarding performance of health and safety. The support that What no Safety Services provides enables THA to focus on issues for the coming year and in the event of an incident they are unsure of, What no Safety Service are able to support with practical solutions.</p> <p>What No Safety Services constantly provide examples of optimised health and safety so THA are kept informed of developments within the industry so those examples can be coordinated into new procedures.</p> <p>Having a background in the specific requirements of health and safety matters relating to housing associations enables What No Safety to tailor the training to specific client needs. The long term relationship between THA and What no Safety of 10+ year’s has enabled an understanding of how each business works, the unique attributes of the housing stock and the staff, making training much more comfortable.</p> <p>What No Safety Services have provided different consultant advisors over the term of the relationship to facilitate a balance of established knowledge but also a ‘fresh pair of eyes’ able to review the safety requirements.</p> <p>Teachers’ Housing Association understands the particular risk of trip hazards within the properties of elderly residents so specific risk assessment and training support this aspect keeping the properties fit for purpose.</p> <p>Training is delivered at THA’s premises, taking advantage of staff seminars or area meetings to get everyone together. This maximises the economy of delivery, enabling interaction and practical suggestions to be built into the programme and accommodate audience questions within the learning.</p> <blockquote> <p>Teachers’ Housing Association has a long term relationship with What No Safety Services. We know and trust one another and they provide a comprehensive service to us. We appreciate how they share best practice from other organisations with us in order to maximise the effectiveness of our health and safety policy and procedures.</p> <p>Alastair is great at delivering training that is focused on the Association’s needs and takes the audience with him, providing real and meaningful examples.</p> <p class="u-cite">Sian Llewellyn – Teachers Housing Association</p> </blockquote> Fri, 26 Feb 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Sarum College https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/blog/sarum-college https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/blog/sarum-college <p class="u-video"><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/4E_FEwgNA6o" width="100%" height="auto" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p> <blockquote> <p>I think the additional value that we get from having an external consultant relative to an internal member of staff is that he's able to bring expertise and be able to bring experience from other properties and other organisations as well as a comprehensive knowledge of the of the legislation. We would recommend What No Safety to other organisations. We've always found them to be knowledgeable and personable but also to provide us with good value for money.</p> <p class="u-cite">Mark Manterfield -Deputy Principal and Bursar</p> </blockquote> Thu, 31 Jan 2013 00:00:00 +0000 I.N. Newman Funeral Directors https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/blog/i-n-newman-funeral-directors https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/blog/i-n-newman-funeral-directors <p class="u-video"><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8CpB-LxaJsE" width="100%" height="auto" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p> <blockquote> <p>Alistair hits that very good balance between what is technically allowed and what is acceptable. He was exceptionally good value for money in that he is understanding, he understands the costs that health and safety can have and the implications it can have to a business. He keeps you on the right path but he also judiciously uses his brain in order to say yes, you can do this or no this is silly.</p> <p class="u-cite">Ian Newman - I.N. Newman Funeral Directors</p> </blockquote> Fri, 18 Jan 2013 00:00:00 +0000 TK Hockey https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/blog/tk-hockey https://www.whatnosafety.co.uk/blog/tk-hockey <blockquote> <p>Really well presented. Informative, factual, concise and with just the right balance of images and the “scare us to death” factor that prompts simple thoughts on how to apply best practice. Good stuff!</p> <p class="u-cite">Peter Curtis - Director TK Hockey Limited</p> </blockquote> Fri, 25 Apr 2014 00:00:00 +0000